We both wrote 26 random words and put them in a box. Each fortnight, we take it in turns to pick a word and we have to post a photo of our interpretation of that word, with an explanation......Click on the photo, then please leave your comments and tell us. What do you see...?

Tuesday 4 March 2008


Spring is on it's way.....Aslan is on the move....oh no, that's The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe!

The weather can often determine my mood. It's hard to be sad when the sun is shining and I'm more likely to be grumpy if it's raining. I'm almost sure that I'm solar powered!

We probably don't realise how much the weather affects us. Not only our moods, but what we wear to what we do in our free time. I often have to change my plans due to the weather and on a bigger scale, the weather can turn our lives upside down - hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, tsunamis - they can take homes, livelihoods and even lives. Don't underestimate Mother Nature.


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